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self employed visa canada

The Business Immigration Programs in Canada promise to open up new market prospects and welcome foreigners with the knowledge and expertise needed to advance it. By embracing foreigners who are self-employed, company owners, and entrepreneurs, these immigration policies support and build Canada’s economy.

With its Self-Employed Programs, the Canadian government also accepts requests from sports stars from abroad, independent farmers, and artisans (foreign nationals working in the arts and culture sector). You could be eligible to apply for a business immigrant visa and take your close family with you if you fit into any of these categories.

Who can apply for self employed program?


1. Artists
2.  Farmers
3. Sports Person
4.  Person working for Cultural activity

Apart from these basic qualities, a person who can also fit in this requirement can apply for it.

1. Who can contribute to the economy
2. Doesn’t require any private company to hire them

For those who fall under the aforementioned categories and are self-employed, the Canadian government merely asks that you show evidence of your sector expertise and your ability to find employment in Canada. This programme does not require money from a private group, unlike some other corporate immigration schemes.

If you can demonstrate that you have the capacity and ability to work effectively in Canada, you could only be eligible for Canada’s Self-Employed Programs. Of course, you must also satisfy the necessary qualifying and selection criteria.

Sky Beat Immigration can assist you in making the process simple for you whether you’re moving to Canada for commercial purposes or self-employment. Contact us today, and our qualified counsellors will handle the rest for you.
